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Financial Fitness: Keeping You & Your Wallet in Shape

Authored By: MIT FCU

Did you know that 37% of Americans resolved to lose weight, and 32% resolved to stay fit in the New Year? The weight loss industry definitely knows! It ramps up its marketing this time of year – you’ve likely seen offers for discounts at local and national gym chains.

What these advertisements omit is that gym memberships are still expensive, averaging $60 per month. And that’s without counting any miscellaneous upfront charges. If you want to get fit without spending a ton, here are some budget-friendly ideas to help you have a healthier 2024!



It doesn’t matter how much you exercise if you aren’t eating well. You won’t lose weight and you’ll still suffer the effects of a poor diet, like low energy and hypertension.

Nutritionist Shawn Talbott says weight loss is 75% diet and 25% exercise. The biggest factor in losing weight is your basal metabolic rate (BMR), how much energy your body burns each day. Use a calorie-tracking app like Myfitnesspal to get a sense of where your calories are going. You can save a lot with some easy cuts!


Body weight exercise

One major draw of a gym is access to strength-training equipment. It’s true that cardio alone won’t help as much as strength training. It’s not true, though, that you need expensive machines for it!

Three simple exercises can help tone and reshape your body. Planks work your core, arms and shoulders. Squats work your glutes and legs. Toe raises work your calves. You can find tutorials for these and countless variations online. Pick a routine and stick with it!


Make your own groups

Group classes in gyms force accountability and can make the exercise seem less taxing. Get these benefits outside the gym!

If you have friends interested in fitness, start building fitness activities, like bike riding or running, into your regular social time.

If you’re on your own, use sites like Meetup to find exercise groups that work at your skill level. If you’re completely new, now’s a great time, as there will be lots of people also starting a new fitness journey. To take your fitness to the next level, join an advanced group. Get fit and make new friends without spending a penny!

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A man and a woman stretching in fitness clothing

Financial Fitness: Keeping You & Your Wallet in Shape

If you want to get fit without spending a ton, here are some budget-friendly ideas to help you have a healthier 2024!

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